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نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020 - نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى emsat - مواصفات امتحان Emsat لغة انجليزية أكتوبر 2020

نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى emsat


متابعى موقع مدرسة الامارات ننشر لكم نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020 - نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى  emsat- نموذج امتحان Emsat لغة انجليزية 2020- اختبار القبول الجامعى (انجاز)2020 ومواصفات اختبار الامارات القياسى في اللغة الانجليزية ، ،نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى مع الحل

امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020

موضوعات متعلقة

نموذج امتحان امسات عربى emsat- نموذج امتحان Emsat لغة عربية 2020- اختبار القبول الجامعى (انجاز)2020


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شرح تركيب الجملةSentence Structure فى اللغة الانجليزية مع تدريبات لامتحان emsat امسات انجليزى


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نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020


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مواصفات امتحان امسات اللغة الانجليزية سبتمبر2020

Date: September 2020

EmSAT Achieve EnglishPublic Test SpecificationTest Description:The EmSAT English Achieve assesses the extent to which a test-taker is ready to study in an Englishmedium college or university. It is a computerbased exam and has eight major sections Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Builder, Paragraph Builder, Cloze Reading, Extended Reading, Single-Question Reading, and Writing. Test sections, questions, and options are randomized for most of the test. Sections and subsections of the test are timed by the computer. Test-takers can see how much time they have throughout the exam.

SpecificationAppendix 1: Content AreasTest-takers receive four scores in the Achieve English test:EmSAT Overall Score: a combined score for Reading and Writing,between 300 and 2000.•Reading Score: a CEFR band is awarded forReading, which includes questions in Grammarand Vocabularyas well as different types of readingtexts. Questiontypescan include multiple choice, drag and drop, fill-in-the-blanks, or sentence reordering.Writing Score: a CEFR band is awardedfor Writing, based on a 30-minute, 250-word typed essayon a single topic.EmSAT Band: This is the overall CEFR level of the student between A1 and C2 combining the Writing and Reading bands.See Appendix 3: Detailed EmSAT Descriptorsfor information on the CEFR bandsReadingGrammar In the Grammar sections in the test, test-takers are assessed on their ability to select the correct word or words to complete a sentence. Grammar content is primarily based on the English Grammar ProfileProject (www.englishprofile.org). Questions can include multiple-choice, drag and drop, and re-ordering words to form a sentence.Vocabulary The Vocabulary sectionsconsist of short multiple-choice vocabulary questions which assess the extent to which students know the high‐frequency words needed to function effectively in an English‐medium environment. Vocabulary content is primarily based on the English VocabularyProject (www.englishprofile.org). The list has been screened to ensure that the words are culturally appropriate and useful in an academic context. Questions can be multiple-choice, drag and drop, or re-ordering words to form a sentence.Cloze Reading PassagesIn Cloze reading passage sections,test-takers see blanks in short (90 to 120-word)or longer(170-200 word) readings where level‐appropriate words have been removed. The removed words are presented above the text and test-takers drag the words to fill the blanks. Extended Reading This Reading section includes reading texts, including descriptive, narrative, or expositorytexts, ranging from450words to 550 words. Reading skills tested includeidentifying the main idea, finding simple factual details, determiningpronoun reference, finding the meaning of an unfamiliar word, understanding inference (what is implied), and sequencing (understanding the order of events).Questions on reading passages are multiple-choice.

Page: 3of 16Publication Date: September 2020Single-Question ReadingsThis Reading section includes short descriptive, narrative, or expositorytexts, ranging from90 words to 150 words, with a single multiple-choice question. Reading skills tested includeidentifying the main idea, finding simple factual details, determining pronoun reference, finding the meaning of an unfamiliar word, understanding inference (what is implied), and sequencing (understanding the order of events).Paragraph BuilderWith this item type, students drag and reorder 4-7 sentences to form a single paragraph or a dialogue. There are no extra sentences. Some sentences (e.g., the first one) may be presented to help the student. In a dialogue, the speakers’ names will be presented.Writing:The Writing component consists of a single writing task. The response is word‐processor mediated, and test-takers are expected to write 200‐250 words. The prompt is given in Englishonly. The task is assessed by at least two professional markers using a holistic banding scale(see Writing Scale in Appendix 3), and the test-taker is awarded a band on the CEFR scale between A1 and C2. The Writing is included in the Overall scoreand accounts for 25% of the overall score.TimingThe EmSAT English Achieve test is divided into multiple sections. Each section is timed individually. When a test-takers have used all the allotted time for a section, their responses are savedand they are moved automatically to the next section. The total time allotted for the test is about 135minutes, but candidates can finish as soon as they have answered all questions in all sections.

تحميل نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020

نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020 ، نموذج امتحان امسات emsat انجليزى مع الحل

Achieve_English_Public Test Specifications (Eng) 2020

مواصفات امتحان الامارات القياسى انجاز مادة اللغة الانجليزية

 التحميل: نموذج امتحان امسات انجليزى 2020



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